The Subconscious Mind & How It Can Help You Achieve Success

What is the subconscious mind? And why is it important

The subconscious mind is the part of your brain that you don’t have direct access to. It’s also responsible for a lot of essential functions that keep you alive and functioning each day.

Your subconscious mind is a treasure that stores everything you've ever learned, experienced, or seen in a hidden way. It's the secret to your success.

What is the subconscious mind?

Inside of The ELEVATE Method we use this NLP Model of communication to better understand how our subconscious mind works and how to use it to work in our favor. This model explains how we receive information from the outside world, how we process it and how it influences the way we communicate/respond to others and our behavior. Learning and leveraging this simple model helps to empower you to create your results!

How does the subconscious mind affect your daily behaviors?

The subconscious mind is responsible for about 95% of our daily behaviors. That means that when you're not actively thinking about something, you're likely doing it on autopilot. For example, if someone asks you how to get to your office and you've been there many times before but aren't paying attention to the route, your subconscious mind will take over and guide you.

Understanding the subconscious is causing the realm of psychology and neurolinguistic programming to enter a new renaissance. It's the secret to understanding why things happen the way they do in our lives, and how we can actually control it.

How can you understand your subconscious mind better?

To begin, you will want to become aware of the subconscious mind. You can do this by shifting your focus from what you think about consciously, and instead focusing on what you feel and sense. When a thought or feeling comes into your head, consider where it came from—your conscious or subconscious mind?

Next, identify limiting beliefs that may be holding back your progress in life. Once you have identified these beliefs, use positive affirmations to change them so they no longer hold power over how you see yourself or others. Positive affirmations are positive statements that help counter negative thoughts by offering an alternative perspective on things like fear or self-doubt (e.g., “I am smart enough”).

Ever wished you had an owners manual for your mind? The prime directives of the subconscious mind explain this more. Your unconscious mind is the part of you that operates outside of your consciousness. It has certain rules or "Prime Directives" that it abides by.

Knowing these prime directives is not enough. You must also implement these concepts into your life in order to increase your success. When you understand what drives the unconscious mind, that is, what are its’ critical responsibilities, you are then better able to work with it and create lasting change.

How do you master the power of the subconscious mind?

The subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. You can use it to change your behavior, beliefs, and attitudes. All you have to do is learn how to access it.

The first step in accessing the subconscious mind is by understanding what it's made up of:

  • The conscious mind (what we're aware of)

  • The unconscious mind (what we're not aware of)

To learn how to master the power of the subconscious mind, we'll discuss how all three parts work together and why they are so important for achieving our goals.

The subconscious mind plays a huge role in shaping our behavior and attitudes. Understanding how it works can be very helpful in helping us change old, outdated or negative beliefs.

As you can see, the subconscious mind plays a huge role in shaping our behavior and attitudes. Understanding how it works can be very helpful in helping us change old, outdated or negative beliefs.

Here are some of the ways we can use this information to our advantage:

  • If two people have conflicting views on an issue, they will often be unable to resolve their differences because they are both operating from different levels of consciousness. One person is operating from their conscious mind; the other from their subconscious mind.

  • If you find yourself continuing to make mistakes that you've already learned not to make (e.g., forgetting appointments or always losing things), there's a good chance it's because those old patterns of behavior still exist within your subconscious mind even though they have been replaced by new behaviors at the conscious level.

  • If someone has bad memories associated with certain places or events (e.g., "I always get sick when I go on vacation"), then those memories may still exist at a subconscious level even though they might not be consciously remembered anymore due to reprogramming efforts over time by using various techniques such as hypnosis therapy


Now that you know more about the subconscious mind, it’s time to start working on it! Remember that your actions are influenced by many different factors. The subconscious mind is just one of them, but when harnessed correctly, it can help us become better versions of ourselves and achieve our goals.

If you are ready to take your success to the next level join us inside of The ELEVATE Method. This is an unparralleled Coaching Certification Program where you will learn to master your mind and in turn your results.

The ELEVATE Method exposes you to the most effective self development and business coaching processes available. This world-class certification will grant you the tools to achieve a vision board level of success.

Through this program you will become certified in my proprietary process called The ELEVATE Method, NLP, Hypnosis, EFT, Time Techniques Life and Success Coaching and Human Design. Not only will this change your life, but it will allow you to create a ripple effect positively impacting all of the lives you touch.

What are you waiting for? Join us here!


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